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PEM Gear Lube  1 quart 75-140w Full Synthetic Full Spool Center Section 31 spline 9" Ford Assemble Full Spool Center Section 28 spline 9" Ford Assemble
NEW! PEM Gear Lube 75-140w Full Synthetic 1 quart

Tested in 2023 and 2024 to reduce rear end temperatures
Assembled Center Section for 9" Ford with PEM ring & pinion and 31 spline steel spool, PEM new nodular iron case and pinion support, 31 spline spool, choice of yoke (1310 short or 1330 short series)
Alll New Unit, Great for Circle Track!
Ratios Available 3.50, 3.70, 3.89, 4.11, 4.30, 4,57, 4.71, 4.86, 5.00, 5.14, 5.29, 5.43, 5.67, 5.83, 6.00, 6.20, 6.33, 6.50

Assembled Center Section for 9" Ford with PEM ring & pinion, PEM new nodular iron case and pinion support, 28 spline standard steel spool, choice of yoke (1310 short or 1330 short series)


Ratios Available 3.50, 3.70, 3.89, 4.11, 4.30, 4,57, 4.71, 4.86, 5.00, 5.14, 5.29, 5.43, 5.67, 5.83, 6.00, 6.20, 6.33, 6.50.

Lightened Full Spool Center Section 28 spline 9" Ford Assembled Lightened Full Spool Center Section 31 spline 9" Ford Assembled Deeper Ratio Full Spool Center Section 31 spline 9" Ford Assembled
Assembled Center Section for 9" Ford with PEM Lightened ring & pinion and steel 28 spline spool, PEM new nodular iron case and pinion support, choice of yoke (1310 short or 1330 short series)


Lightened Ratios Available 4.11, 4.30, 4,57, 4.71, 4.86, 5.00, 5.14, 5.29, 5.43, 5.67, 5.83, 6.00, 6.20, 6.33, 6.50.

Assembled Center Section for 9" Ford with PEM Lightened ring & pinion and steel 31 spline spool, PEM new nodular iron case and pinion support, 31 spline spool, choice of yoke (1310 short or 1330 short series)


Lightened Ratios Available 4.11, 4.30, 4,57, 4.71, 4.86, 5.00, 5.14, 5.29, 5.43, 5.67, 5.83, 6.00, 6.20, 6.33, 6.50.

Deeper Ratio Assembled Center Section for 9" Ford with PEM lightweight ring & pinion and lite steel 31 spline spool, PEM new nodular iron case and Iron Daytona pinion support, 31 spline spool, choice of yoke (1310 short or 1330 short series)

updated in 2024 to include the stronger Iron Daytona pinioin support

Ratios Available 6.66, 6.83, 7.00. Choose from the drop down menu

Deeper Ratio Full Spool Center Section 28 spline 9" Ford Assemble Xtreme Gear Center Section 28 spline Full Spool 9" Ford Assembled Xtreme Gear Center Section 31 spline Full Spool 9" Ford Assembled 31 spline
Deeper Ratio Assembled Center Section for 9" Ford with PEM lightweight ring & pinion and lite steel 31 spline spool, PEM new nodular iron case and Iron Daytona pinion support, 28 spline spool, choice of yoke (1310 short or 1330 short series).


Ratios Available 6.66, 6.83, 7.00. Choose from the drop down menu.

Assembled Center Section for 9" Ford with Xtreme Gear lightweight ring & pinion and offset spool, PEM new nodular iron case and pinion support, 28 spline spool, 1310 Forged steel yoke.


Ring & Pinion manufactured in the USA!

Assembled Center Section for 9" Ford with Xtreme Gear lightweight ring & pinion and offset spool, PEM nodular iron case & pinion support, 31 spline spool, 1310 Forged steel yoke.
ALL NEW UNIT! Ring & Pinion manufactured in the USA

Ratios Available 4.11, 4.30, 4,57, 4.63, 4.71, 4.86, 5.00, 5.14, 5.29, 5.43, 6.20, 6.33, 6.50.

Special Ratio Full Spool Center Section 9" Ford Assembly
Assembled Center Section for 9" Ford with PEM standard weight ring & pinion and steel 31 spline spool, PEM new nodular iron case and pinion support, CHOOSE 28 or 31 spline spool, choice of yoke (1310 short or 1330 short series)


Special Ratios Available 5.37, 5.50, 5.57, 5.75 and 6.43.