2.5" OD Steel .083" wall DOM Drive Shaft with 1310 Greaseable U-Joints specify length center to center; up to 55"
purchase a slip yoke and we will install the yoke and balance the assembly.
2.5" OD Steel .083" wall DOM Drive Shaft with Spicer S5-1310X Solid Cross U-Joints specify length center to center; up to 55"
purchase a slip yoke and we will install the yoke and balance the assembly.
55" center to center 2.5" OD Steel .083" wall DOM Drive Shaft with 1310 Greaseable U-Joints and GM slip yoke Balanced Assembly Length center to center at the u-joints is 55". Transmission Slip Yoke 5.5" long (center of u-joint to end of seal surface) with 26/27 spline for GM saginaw and powerglide transmissions 1310 spicer greaseable u-joints installed
54" center to center 2.5" OD Steel .083" wall DOM Drive Shaft with 1310 Greaseable U-Joints and GM slip yoke Balanced Assembly Length center to center at the u-joints is 54". Transmission Slip Yoke 5.5" long (center of u-joint to end of seal surface) with 26/27 spline for GM saginaw and powerglide transmissions 1310 spicer greaseable u-joints installed
2.5" OD Steel .083" wall DOM Drive Shaft with 1310 Greaseable U-Joints Balanced Assembly specify length center to center; up to 55". Only with 27 spline 8" Extra Clearnce Transmission Slip Yoke 8" slip yoke only fits Bert, Brinn, Falcon and Jerico Circle Track Transmissions.
2.5" OD Steel .083" wall DOM Drive Shaft with 1310 Greaseable U-Joints Balanced Assembly specify length center to center; up to 55". specify 5.5" Transmission Slip Yoke
2.5" OD Steel .083" wall DOM Drive Shaft with Spicer 1310 Solid Cross S5-1310X U-Joints Balanced Assembly specify length center to center; up to 55". specify 5.5" Transmission Slip Yoke, 27 or 32 spline.